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Episiotomy Kit: Childbirth Medical Kit Essentials Must-Haves

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Episiotomy Kit: Childbirth Medical Kit Essentials Must-Haves

Episiotomy Kit: Childbirth Medical Kit Essentials Must-Haves


Childbirth is perhaps the most physically stressful process a woman's body ever undertakes. Natural delivery being the preferred mode of giving birth, there are situations where medical assistance is required to deliver the baby safely for the mother and the child alike. One such assistance is an episiotomy in which a surgical cut is administered in the perineum.

To carry out this process efficiently and safely, health care providers employ a special episiotomy kit comprising all the materials required to produce a clean incision and suture the wound after delivery. These kits form a vital component of modern obstetrics and gynecology, promoting the process's performance within sterile and controlled environments.

The below article offers a critical analysis of episiotomy kits, medicological importance, history, constitution, advantages, disadvantages, and contemporary alternatives.

Medical Importance of Episiotomy

Why a Woman Undergoes an Episiotomy?

An episiotomy is often performed in certain cases of childbirth in which spontaneous perineal tissue stretching is not enough and extensive tearing or long labor may ensue. The procedure is generally required in the below situations:

•          Fetal distress: When the fetus is displaying signs of oxygen lack and an immediate delivery is called for.

•          Difficulty in labor: When the baby is in an abnormal position, or if it cannot be pushed out by the mother.

•          Instrumental delivery: When delivery tools like forceps or vacuum extractors need to be employed to facilitate delivery.

Though episiotomies were once routinely performed, obstetric practice today has been in the direction of restrictive use, i.e., done only when medically indicated.

Application of an Episiotomy Kit in the Health Setting

An episiotomy kit is a very important tool for providing a sterile, controlled, and precise surgical cut. In the absence of a fully stocked kit, infection, extensive bleeding, and incorrect suturing are extremely probable to happen, and this can result in complications during postpartum recovery.

These kits are kept by hospitals, birth centers, and maternity units in labor rooms to facilitate medical personnel's use of the equipment whenever an episiotomy becomes necessary.

The History of Episiotomy Practice

Historical Context

Surgical incisions during delivery have been done for centuries with ancient doctors employing rough instruments to bring about delivery. Episiotomies, however, gained popularity in the mid-20th century when obstetricians thought that they lowered the risk of incontinent perineal rupture.

Between 1950–1980, episiotomies were conducted in almost 60–80% of all U.S. births and most other Western countries. But from the late 1990s and early 2000s, studies again confirmed that routine episiotomies were not required in most cases and could have resulted in longer hospital stays, greater pain, and more opportunities for complications.

Modern-Day Practices

Nowadays, a restrictive method of episiotomy is used by the majority of obstetricians. The World Health Organization suggests that episiotomy be kept for use when there is a clear medical indication. The result was that the rate of episiotomy came down remarkably, and according to recent data, it is now being performed on 10–20% of vaginal births around the world.

Even with this decline, episiotomy kits are still a standard supply in labor and delivery suites. Having them on hand allows medical staff to safely administer the procedure when needed.

An Episiotomy Kit Contents

Principal Tools

An episiotomy kit will contain a set of quality, sterile surgical tools for clean cutting and stitching. Some of the main items are:

1. Amniotic Hook

• 20cm

• Made of stainless steel to be strong and accurate.

2. Mayo-Hegar Needle Holders

• Straight, Narrow Jaw, 18cm 

• Offers grip and stability to hold fine stitches.

3. Mayo Surgical Scissor

• Straight, blunt/blunt,17cm

• Made of stainless steel to be strong and accurate.

4. Mayo Dissecting Scissor

• Curved, blunt/blunt,14.5cm 

• Made of stainless steel to be strong and accurate.

5. Basket

• Sterilized, Wired, 250 x 150x 60mm

• Made of stainless steel.

6. Tissue Forceps

• Spring Type, 1x2 Teeth, 14.5cm

• Decreases the risk of bacterial contamination.

7. Hemostats Forceps(Clamps)

• Kocher, 1x2 Teeth, Straight, 14cm

• Provides minimal loss of blood and an unobstructed operating field.

Single-Use vs. Reusable Episiotomy Kits

Single-use kits: Pre-packaged disposable kits used once to provide ultimate sterility.Reusable kits: Stainless steel instruments sterilized and reused, in wide use in hospitals as part of a drive to minimize medical waste.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Episiotomy Kit

Advantages of an Episiotomy Kit during Childbirth

1. Avoids nasty perineal tears: The wound heals faster when it is a planned one, not a tear.

2. Reduces delivery time in cases of emergency: Helps in swift delivery if a baby is endangered.

3. Gives a clean, controlled operation: Avoids the possibility of infections.

4. Helps effective suturing and healing: Superior sutures improve recovery.

5. Increases safety and comfort for the patient: Helps the process be done with less pain.

Possible Risks and Complications

1. Infection: If not properly sterilized or handled after operation.

2. Delayed healing: Certain women may feel enhanced pain.

3. Pain and swelling: Normal postpartum complaints following an episiotomy.

4. Scar tissue formation: Can be painful during future deliveries.

Although there are risks involved, the controlled environment of the procedure means that episiotomies are safer than uncontrolled perineal tears, particularly for high-risk labors.

Episiotomy Kit: Important Medical Supplies during Childbirth

An episiotomy kit is an important medical supply utilized in the childbirth process to provide a safe, controlled incision where required. Crafted with precision and hygiene in mind, these kits contain basic tools like episiotomy scissors, needle holders, absorbable sutures, antiseptic swabs, and sterile gloves. Although contemporary obstetric practices have minimized the episiotomy procedure as a routine procedure, it is still a useful tool for use in instances of fetal distress, prolonged labor, or the need for assistance during delivery. At Beauty-Teck, we offer high-quality medical equipment, such as state-of-the-art episiotomy sets that are of the highest safety and hygiene standards. We aim to support healthcare professionals with high-quality surgical equipment that provides the best patient care and rehabilitation. Discover our line of medical equipment and learn how the latest technology improves maternal care.


The episiotomy kit remains a necessary medical device in obstetric practice, such that when an episiotomy is needed, it is safely performed, efficiently, and with few complications. Although the trend in the world is moving towards reducing routine episiotomies, their application in high-risk deliveries and emergency obstetrics cannot be eliminated.

As medical science keeps advancing, patient care and prevention methods also, the necessity for episiotomies might reduce even more, but keeping an episiotomy kit on hand with proper supplies will always be necessary to achieve the best outcomes during delivery.

Written by: Beauty Teck

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